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Bachelor of Arts (BA): Major subject

The module manual of the BA English and American Studies as a major subject (Kernfach) stipulates that students complete at least 2 and at most 5 modules in English Linguistics: The Basic Module Linguistics in the first year of study, as well as 1 Intermediate Module and up to 3 Advanced Modules in the second and third year of study. These are complemented by the Methods Module which combines topics from both literary studies and linguistics.

The Basic Module II Linguistics has four contact hours (German: SWS for 'Semesterwochenstunden') and consists of the consecutive courses Introduction to English Language and Linguistics Part I: Structure and Introduction to English Language and Linguistics Part II: Use. The module is completed by passing a written exam (Klausur) at the end of the module. This exam is offered at the end of each summer term, as well as just before and at the end of each winter term.

Students may take courses of the Intermediate Module Linguistics as soon as they have passed the Basic Module exam. The Intermediate Module Linguistics has four contact hours and consists of two courses with two contact hours each. These are:

  1. Mandatory: Lecture on the structure or history of the English language
  2. Elective: Seminar on a topic either in the area Development or Structure

The two courses can be completed in parallel in the same semester or over two consecutive semester. The Intermediate Module Linguistics is completed by passing an oral exam.

As part of the Methods Module, English majors also take a linguistics seminar. Over the course of the module, students are introduced to the fundamentals of scientific research, specifically the writing of term papers. The module is completed with a written term paper which student can choose to write either on a literary or a linguistic topic. This term paper is graded on a pass-fail basis. The Methods Module should be completed before writing the first graded term paper in an Intermediate or Advanced Module, but after passing the Basic Modules, ideally in the third semester of study.

Advanced Modules have four contact hours, usually combining two courses with two contact hours to form a module. These courses may, again, be completed in the same semester or in consecutive semesters. Advanced Module courses can only be taken once the student has passed the Intermediate Module Linguistics exam.

English majors may choose to complete up to three Advanced Modules in Linguistics, of which two are to be completed with an exam of some type (usually a term paper), and one by documented active participating in the courses of the module. This allows students to either focus on an area of their choice or study a number of areas by combining linguistic and literary Advanced Modules.

The topic of the bachelor's thesis is usually chosen from one of the areas the studied in the Advanced Modules.