English Language and Linguistics
The English Language and Linguistics department proudly presents three professors, Ingo Plag, Tania Kouteva, and Kevin Tang, as well as a number of post-doctoral researchers and PhD students. Ingo Plag is a leading researcher in morphology, syntax and creole studies with over a hundred publications, Tania Kouteva is internationally renowned for her expertise in language development, grammaticalisation and language typology, and Kevin Tang focuses on phonetics, phonology and morphology with a special interest in computational linguistics, laboratory phonology and psycholinguistics.
Research and teaching covers a broad range of topics in all linguistic subsystems: phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, pragmatics and text linguistics.
- Analogical modeling of language (Ingo Plag; in collaboration with Sabine Arndt-Lappe (University of Trier), Lea Kawaletz)
- Computational linguistics (Kevin Tang, Dominic Schmitz, Viktoria Schneider, Akhilesh Kakolu Ramarao)
- Discourse grammar (Heidrun Dorgeloh, Tania Kouteva)
- English in professional domains (Heidrun Dorgeloh)
- Empirical pragmatics (Julia Muschalik)
- Functional syntax and text linguistics (Heidrun Dorgeloh)
- Grammaticalization (Tania Kouteva)
- Human health: linguistic biomarkers, precision health & speech pathology (Kevin Tang)
- Laboratory phonology (Ingo Plag, Kevin Tang, Dominic Schmitz)
- Language and argumentation (Heidrun Dorgeloh, Lea Kawaletz)
- Language and gender (Dominic Schmitz)
- Language attitudes (Simon David Stein)
- Language and music (Ingo Plag)
- Language change (Christian Uffmann)
- Language contact (Ingo Plag, Christian Uffmann)
- Language documentation (Ghattas Eid)
- Language revitalization (Ghattas Eid, Akhilesh Kakolu Ramarao)
- Linguistic typology (Tania Kouteva)
- Morpho-phonetics (Ingo Plag, Dominic Schmitz, Simon David Stein)
- Phonetics (Ingo Plag, Kevin Tang, Dominic Schmitz, Julika Weber)
- Phonological theory (Ingo Plag, Kevin Tang, Christian Uffmann, Ghattas Eid)
- Psycholinguistics (Ingo Plag, Kevin Tang, Julia Muschalik, Dominic Schmitz)
- Second language acquisition (Ingo Plag, Christian Uffmann, Julika Weber)
- Semantics (Ingo Plag, Lea Kawaletz, Viktoria Schneider)
- Sound symbolism (Dominic Schmitz)
- Spelling and morphology (Ingo Plag, Julia Muschalik)
- Typing (Julia Muschalik)
- Varieties of English (Ingo Plag, Kevin Tang, Christian Uffmann)
- Word-formation (Ingo Plag, Lea Kawaletz, Viktoria Schneider)
- Written language processing (Julia Muschalik)