Prof. Dr. Tania Kuteva
Floor/room: 02.106
Prof. Dr. Tania Kuteva
Kuteva - in all publications
Kouteva - for all administrative purposes
Curriculum Vitae
- Place of birth: Bourgas, Bulgaria
- Citizenship: German
- 1981 - 1990 Assistant-Professor of English, Foreign Language Centre, University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria
- 1985 - 1988 Maternity leave (partial)
- 1988 - 1989 Postgraduate qualification course at the English Language Department of Sofia University, Bulgaria
- 1989 M.A. degree from the University of Sofia, Bulgaria
- 1992 - 1993 Studied English Philology and Slavistics at the University of Heidelberg
- 1996 Ph.D. degree, English Language Department, University of Sofia, Bulgaria
- 1994 - 1999 Research Associate at the University of Cologne
- 1999 - 2000 Research Associate at the University of Hamburg
- Since 2000 Prof. Dr. in English Linguistics at the Institute for English and American Studies, Düsseldorf University
- 2002 Visiting Professorship at the University of Texas, San Antonio, USA
- August 2004 - April 2005 Visiting scholar at the Max-Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig
- February 2006 - June 2006 Invited scholar at the Netherlands' Institute for advanced studies (NIAS), Wassenar, The Netherlands
- October 2009 - April 2010. Visiting Professor at the University of London, SOAS (ELAP) as an Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow within the Feodor-Lynen Program for Experienced Scholars.
- October 2010 - April 2011. Visiting Professor at the University of London, SOAS (ELAP) as an Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow within the Feodor-Lynen Program for Experienced Scholars.
- October 2011 - April 2012. Visiting Professor at the University of London, SOAS (ELAP) as an Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow within the Feodor-Lynen Program for Experienced Scholars.
- From 2012: Honorary Visiting Professor at the University College of London (UCL), London, UK
- Currently: Professorial Research Associate in the Department of Linguistics at SOAS, University of London, UK
Languages spoken fluently: Bulgarian, English, Russian, German
Fellowships and Grants
1993 | European Community- Fellowshi; Project on Grammaticalization, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Bernd Heine, University of Cologne |
1994 | Max-Planck Psycholinguistics research grant, MPI for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, Holland |
1994 | Grant for participation in the First International Summer Institute in Cognitive Science, University of Buffalo, New York, USA |
1995 | Grant for participation in the Linguistic Society of America Summer Institute at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, NM, USA |
December 1999 | Nomination as a possible Research Fellow at the Centre for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, USA |
August 2004 - April 2005 | Max-Planck grant for research on Standard Average European languages at the Max-Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany |
01.02.2006 - 30.06.2006 | A grant from the Netherlands Royal Academy of Sciences for research as a member of the international joint research team on "Restricted language systems as windows on language genesis" at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies (NIAS), Wassenar, The Netherlands |
October 2009-March 2010, October 2010-March 2011, October 2011-March 2012 | Alexander von Humbold Feodor-Lynen Fellowship for Experienced Scholars for research at the University of London (ELAP, SOAS), UK |
August-October 2015 | Visiting Professorship at the Excellence Initiative Centre at Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands |
2017- 2022 | Research Project “Discourse markers” within the Alexander von Humboldt International Research Group Linkage Program |
September-October 2017 | CLASS research award from the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore |
Service to the Scientific Community
- Member of the Editorial Board of Cambridge University Press (since September 2020)
- Member of the Academy of Europe (since 2017)
- External Assessor for “Discovery Projects” submitted to the Australian Research Council (2010 – 2015)
- Expert Assessor for European Research Council (ERC) within the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation 2014 - 2020 (Horizon 2020)
- Expert Assessor for the European Science Foundation (since 2018)
- External referee for Studies in Language, Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.
Top Five Publications
- Kuteva, Tania 1998. On identifying an evasive gram: Action narrowly averted. Studies in Language. 22: 1, Pp. 113 - 160.
- Kuteva, Tania 2004. Auxiliation: An Enquiry into the nature of grammaticalization. Oxford University Press (2nd edition).
- Heine, Bernd and Tania Kuteva, 2005. Language contact and grammatical change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Heine, Bernd and Tania Kuteva, 2007. The genesis of grammar: A reconstruction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Kuteva, Tania, Bernd Heine, Bo Hong, Haiping Long, Heiko Narrog and Seongha Rhee, 2019 (in press). World lexicon of grammaticalization, 2nd extensively revised and updated edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Full List of Publications
- Kuteva, Tania 2001. Auxiliation: An Enquiry into the nature of grammaticalization. Oxford University Press
- Kuteva, Tania (with Bernd Heine) 2002. World Lexicon of grammaticalization. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- Kuteva, Tania 2004. Auxiliation: An Enquiry into the nature of grammaticalization. Oxford University Press (2nd edition).
- Kuteva, Tania 2005. (with Bernd Heine) Language contact and grammatical change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Kuteva, Tania 2006 (3rd edition in Korean translation). Auxiliation: An Enquiry into the nature of grammaticalization. (Translated in Korean). Seoul: Korea.
- Kuteva, Tania 2006. (with Bernd Heine) The changing languages of Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Kuteva, Tania 2007. (with Bernd Heine) The genesis of grammar: A reconstruction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Kuteva, Tania 2007. (with Bernd Heine). World lexicon of grammaticalization. (2nd edition). CIP (China), originally published by Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Kuteva, Tania 2012. (with Bernd Heine). A translation edition of World lexicon of grammaticalization for sale in the People´s Republic of China. Cambridge University Press and World Publishing Corporation.
- Kuteva, Tania 2017. (with Bernd Heine). A translation edition of The changing languages of Europe for sale in Korea. PAGIJONG PRESS.
- Kuteva, Tania, Bernd Heine, Bo Hong, Haiping Long, Heiko Narrog and Seongha Rhee, 2019 (in press). World lexicon of grammaticalization, 2nd extensively revised and updated edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Articles (in chronological order)
- Kuteva, Tania 1985. Problemi na prepodavaneto na naucno-texniceski tekst na anglijski ezik (Problems in teaching scientific and technical texts in English). cuzdoezikovo obucenie (Foreign Language Teaching), 1985/ 4.
- Kuteva, Tania 1986 (review article). Pit Corder, Error Analysis and Interlanguage, Oxford, 1981. cuzdoezikovo obucenie (Foreign Language Teaching), 1986/1.
- Kuteva, Tania 1987. Varxu njakoi problemi na naucno-texniceskata terminologija (On some problems of scientific and technical terminology). In: Danchev, Andrej (ed.) Problemi na prevoda (Problems of translation), Sofia: Nauka i Izkustvo, Pp. 110- 118.
- Kuteva, Tania 1988. Phraseological lexis in the Bulgarian-English Interlanguage. In: Danchev, Andrej (ed.), Error Analysis. Bulgarian Learners of English. Sofia: Narodna Prosveta, Pp. 189- 203.
- Selinker, Larry & Tania Kuteva 1992. Metaphor as a consciousness-raising strategy. In: Mair, Christian & Manfred Markus (eds.), New departures in contrastive linguistics. Proceedings of the Conference held at the Leopold-Franzens-University of Innsbruck, Austria, May 1992, Pp. 247- 259.
- Kuteva, Tania 1993. A cognitive approach toward grammaticalized verb constructions. In: Crochetière, André, Jean-Claude Boulanger et Conrad Ouellon (eds.), Actes du XV Congrès International des Linguistes, Québec, Université Laval, Août 1992, Pp. 95- 98.
- Kuteva, Tania 1994. Auxiliation and iconicity. Journal of Pragmatics 22 (71 - 81).
- Kuteva, Tania & Chris Sinha 1994. Spatial and non-spatial uses of prepositions: conceptual integrity across semantic domains. In: Schwarz, Monika (Hsg.), 1994, Kognitive Semantik/Cognitive Semantics. Ergebnisse, Probleme, Perspektiven. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag (215 - 237).
- Kuteva, Tania 1995 (review article). Bernd Heine, Auxiliaries. Cognitive forces and grammaticalization, New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993. Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung (STUF) 48: 4, Pp. 376- 380.
- Kuteva, Tania 1995. Bulgarian tenses. In: Thieroff, Rolf (Hsg), 1995, Tense systems in European languages.Volume II, (Linguistische Arbeiten). Max Niemeyer Verlag: Tübingen, (195 - 213).
- Kuteva, Tania 1995. The auxiliation constraint and reference. In: Geiger, Richard (Hsg), 1995, Reference in multidisciplinary perspective. Philosophical object, cognitive subject, intersubjective process. Hildesheim/Zürich/New York: Georg Olms Verlag (374 - 386).
- Sinha, Chris & Tania Kuteva 1995. Distributed spatial semantics. Nordic Journal of Linguistics, 18 (167 - 199)
- Kuteva, Tania, Larry Selinker & Usha Lakshmanan 1996. The ‘Pickup’ phenomenon: On researching a tough IL area. In: Sajavaara, Kari & Courtney Fairweather (Hsg) 1996. Approaches to second language acquisition. University of Jyväskylä (43 - 53).
- Kuteva, Tania 1998a. On identifying an evasive gram: Action narrowly averted. Studies in Language. 22: 1, Pp. 113 - 160.
- Kuteva, Tania 1998b. Large linguistic areas in grammaticalization: Auxiliation in Europe. Language Sciences. 20: 3, Pp. 289 - 311.
- Kuteva, Tania 1999. Languages and societies: the ‘punctuated equilibrium’ model of language development. Language and Communication 19: 213-228.
- Kuteva, Tania 1999. Specification in grammar. In: Hiraga, Masako, Chris Sinha & Sherman Wilcox (Hsg), Cultural, psychological and typological issues in cognitive linguistics, Amsterdam/New York/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, Pp. 269-284.
- Kuteva, Tania 1999. On ‘sit’/’stand’/’lie’ auxiliation. Linguistics 37 - 2: 191-213.
- Kuteva, Tania, 2000. TAM-auxiliation, and the avertive category in Northeast Europe. In: Fernandez-Vest, Jocelyne (ed.). Areal grammaticalization. Louvain-Paris: Peeters.
- Kuteva, Tania, 2001. Areal grammaticalization: the case of the Bantu-Nilotic borderland. Folia Linguistica XXXIV 3-4: 267-283.
- Kuteva, Tania, 2001. On the “Diachronic Stability” of grammatical categories. General Linguistics, Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 109-132.
- Heine, Bernd & Tania Kuteva 2001. On context and concretization in the rise of German clause connectives. Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung/Language Typology and Universals 2: 451-467.
- Heine, Bernd & Tania Kuteva, 2001. Convergence and divergence in the development of African languages: Some general observations. In: Aikhenvald, Alexandra and Dixon, Robert (eds.) Areal diffusion and genetic inheritance: Problems in comparative linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Kuteva, Tania, 2001. Diachronic stability of grammatical categories and areal grammaticalization. General Linguistics, Vol. 38/ 109-132.
- Haiman, John & Tania Kuteva, 2002. On the symmetry of counterfactuals. Bybee, Joan and Michael Noonan (eds). Complex sentences in grammar and discourse. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Heine, Bernd & Tania Kuteva, 2002. On the evolution of grammatical forms. In: Wray, Alison (ed) 2002. The transition to language. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Pp. 376-398.
- Heine, Bernd & Tania Kuteva, 2003. On contact-induced grammaticalization. Studies in Language 27, 3: 529-72.
- Kuteva, Tania & Bernd Heine, 2004. On the possessive perfect in North Russian. WORD 55.1
- Kuteva, Tania & Bernard Comrie 2005. The typology of relative clause formation in African languages. African Studies, ed. by Erhard Voeltz. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
- Comrie, Bernard and Tania Kuteva 2005. Relativization on subjects. World Atlas of Linguistic Structures (WALS), ed. by Martin Haspelmath, Matthew Dryer, David Gill, and Bernard Comrie, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Comrie, Bernard & Tania Kuteva, 2005. Relativization on obliques. World Atlas of Linguistic Structures (WALS), ed. by Martin Haspelmath, Matthew Dryer, David Gill, and Bernard Comrie, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Comrie, Bernard & Tania Kuteva, 2005. The evolution of grammatical structures and ‘functional need’ explanations. In: Language origins: perspectives on evolution, ed. By Maggie Tallerman. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Kuteva, Tania 2006. ‘The Proximative’, Article entry in The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 2nd Ed. Edited by Keith Brown, Elsevier: Oxford 2006.
- Kuteva, Tania & Bernd Heine 2007. ‘On the explanatory value of grammaticalization’, In Good, Jeff (ed.) 2007, Linguistic universals and language change, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Pp. 215-233.
- Kuteva, Tania 2008. On the ‘frills’ of grammaticalization. In: López-Couso, María José & Elena Seoane (eds.), in collaboration with Teresa Fanego.
Rethinking grammaticalization: New perspectives for the twenty-first century (Typological
Studies in Language). Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. - Heine, Bernd & Tania Kuteva 2008. Constraints on contact-induced linguistic change. Journal of Language Contact – THEMA 2 (2008), jlc-journal, Pp. 57 – 90.
- Kuteva, Tania 2009. Grammatical categories and linguistic theory: elaborateness in grammar. In Austin, Peter, Bond, Oliver, Charette, Monik, Nathan, David and Peter Sells (eds). 2009. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference Language Documentation and Linguistic Theory, November 2009. SOAS, London Pp. 13-28.
- Heine, Bernd and Tania Kuteva 2009. The genesis of grammar: on combining nouns. In: Botha, Rudolf and Henriette de Swart (eds.) Language evolution: the view from restricted linguistic systems. Utrecht: Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics, LOT, Pp. 139-178.
- Heine, Bernd and Tania Kuteva 2009. Towards linguistic unity in Europe. In: Hinrichs, Uwe, Norbert Reiter, and Siegfried Tornow (eds). Eurolinguistik. Entwicklungen und perspektiven. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. Pp. 141-164.
- Heine, Bernd and Tania Kuteva 2010. Contact and grammaticalization. In Hickey, Raymond (ed.). Handbook of language contact. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Kuteva, Tania and Bernd Heine 2010. Converging grammaticalization processes in Europe: Towards an explanation. In Hinrichs, Uwe (ed.), Das Handbuch der Eurolinguistik. Wiesbaden 2010. Harrassowitz: 531-552. (= Slavistische Studienbücher. Neue Serie. Bd. 20).
- Kuteva, Tania, 2010a. Grammaticalization and the evolution of grammar: on one particular kind of grammatical categories. Kang, Young-Se, Jong-Yuri Yoon, Jongseon Hong, Jiun-Shiung Wu, Seongha Rhee, Kyoung-Ae Kim, Dong-Ho Choi, Kee-Ho Kim and Hye-Kyung Kang (eds.) 2010. Lectures on universal grammar and individual languages (SICOL-2010). Hankookmunhwasa: Seoul, Korea, Pp. 144-156.
- Kuteva, Tania, 2010b. Are there languages without grammar? In Young-Se Kang, Jiun-Shiung Wu, Dong-Ho Choi, Jong-Yurl Yoon, Seongha Rhee, Kee-Ho Kim, Jongseon Hong, Kyoung-Ae Kim, and Hye-Kyung Kang, (eds.)] Universal Grammar and Individual Languages (SICOL-2010), E-publication for 2010 Seoul International Conference on Linguistics, June 23-25, 2010, Korea University, Seoul: Hankookmunhwasa.
- Heine, Bernd and Tania Kuteva 2011. The areal dimension of grammaticalization. In Narrog, Heiko and Bernd Heine (eds.) 2011. The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Pp. 291-301.
- Kaltenböck, Gunther, Bernd Heine and Tania Kuteva 2011. On thetical grammar. Studies in Language 35, 4: 848-893.
- Kuteva, Tania 2012. On the cyclic nature of grammaticalization. In: Ik-Hwan Lee, Young-Se Kang, Kyoung-Ae Kim, Kee-Ho Kim, Il-Kon Kim, Seong-Ha Rhee, Jin-Hyung Kim, Hyo-Young Kim, Ki-Jeong Lee, Hye-Kyung Kang, Sung-Ho Ahn (eds.) 2012, Issues in English Linguistics,WCSEL-1), Seoul: Hankookmunhwasa.
- Heine, Bernd and Tania Kuteva 2012. Grammaticalization theory as a tool for reconstructing language evolution. In Maggie Tallerman and Kathleen Gibson (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Language Evolution. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Pp. 512-527.
- Kuteva, Tania & Bernd Heine 2012. An integrative model of grammaticalization. In Björn Wiemer et al. 2012, Grammatical replication and grammatical borrowing in language contact. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Pp. 159-198.
- Kuteva, Tania & Bernard Comrie 2012. The evolution of language and elaborateness of grammar: the case of relative clauses in Creole languages. In: Comrie, Bernard and Zarina Estrada Fernández (eds.), A typological overview of relative clauses in languages of the Americas. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Heine, Bernd, Gunther Kaltenböck, and Tania Kuteva 2013. On the origin of grammar. In Lefebvre, Claire, Bernard Comrie and Henri Cohen (eds.), New Perspectives on the Origins of Language. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: Benjamins. Pp. 379-405.
- Heine, Bernd, Gunther Kaltenböck, Tania Kuteva & Haiping Long 2013. An Outline of Discourse Grammar. In: Bischoff, Shannon and Jeny, Carmen, Reflections on Functionalism in Linguistics. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Pp. 175-233.
- Heine, Bernd, Tania Kuteva and Gunther Kaltenböck 2014. Discourse Grammar, the dual process model, and brain lateralization: Some correlations. Language & Cognition 6, 1: 146-180 (2014).
- Heine, Bernd, Gunther Kaltenböck and Tania Kuteva 2015. On the Evolution of Final Particles. Werner Abraham and Elly van Gelderen (eds.), Final Particles. (Language Companion Series). Amsterdam, Philadelphia: Benjamins. Pp. 111 – 140.
- Heine, Bernd, Tania Kuteva, Gunther Kaltenböck and Haiping Long 2015. On Some Correlations between Grammar and Brain Lateralization. Oxford Handbooks Online in Linguistics. New York: Oxford University Press (DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199935345.013.16).
- Kaltenböck, Gunther, Bernd Heine, and Tania Kuteva 2015. On theticals: A "rootless" analysis of I think. In Stefan Schneider (ed.), Parenthesis and Ellipsis: Cross-Linguistic and Theoretical Perspectives. (Studies in Generative Grammar). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
- Kohan, Mehrdad and Tania Kuteva 2016. On the relativity of blocking: Evidence from the dimension of number in New Persian. Folia Linguistica, Volume 50, Issue 1: 65-96
- Heine, Bernd, Gunther Kaltenböck and Tania Kuteva 2016. On insubordination and cooptation. In: Evans, Nicholas and Honoré Watanabe, Dynamics of Insubordination. (Typological Studies in Language). Amsterdam, Philadelphia: Benjamins, Pp. 39-64.
- Heine, Bernd, Gunther Kaltenböck, Tania Kuteva and Haiping Long 2017. Cooptation as a discourse strategy. Linguistics. DOI 10.1515/ling-2017-0012.
- Kuteva, Tania, 2017. Contact and borrowing. In: Ledgeway, Adam and Ian Roberts (eds.), 2017. Cambridge Handbook of historical syntax. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 163-185.
- Heine, Bernd, Tania Kuteva and Heiko Narrog 2017. Back again to the future: How to account for directionality in grammatical change. In: Walter Bisang & Andrej Malchukov (eds.), Unity and diversity in grammaticalization scenarios, Pp. 1–29. Berlin: Language Science Press. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.823234.
- Kuteva, Tania, Seongha Rhee, Debra Ziegeler, and Jessica Sabban 2018. Are you the queen of England, or what?: On sentence-final "what" in Singlish. Journal of Language Contact, Volume 11. Pp. 32-70. DOI 10.1163/19552629-01101002.
- Kuteva, Tania, Bernd Heine, Bo Hong, Haiping Long, Heiko Narrog, and Seongha Rhee forthc. (2019) World lexicon of grammaticalization, 2nd extensively revised and updated edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Bernd Heine, Gunther Kaltenböck, and Tania Kuteva 2020. On the status of wh-exclamatives in English. Functions of Language 27, 2.
- Kuteva, Tania & Petra In der Smitten, forthc. European borders: political and linguistic. In: Essays on language contact (in honour of Bernd Heine), ed. by Rainer Vossen and Christa Koenig. Routledge Curzon.
Papers Presented at International Conferences, Congresses, Symposia and Colloquia
- 1990 The verb GET in English, 9th Congress of AILA, Thessaloniki, Greece
- 1990 The polysemy of ‘get’ and teaching English as a second language, Invited lecture, University of Marburg, Germany
- 1991 Referential meaning and grammaticalization constraints: The case of analytical verb forms, 16th International L.A.U.D. Symposium: Multidisciplinary Research on Reference, Duisburg, Germany
- 1991 Metaphor and the consciousness-raising strategy, International Conference New Departures of Contrastive Linguistics, Innsbruck, Austria (jointly with Larry Selinker)
- 1992 The PICK-UP phenomenon, 2nd International EUROSLA conference, Jyväskylä, Finland (jointly with Larry Selinker)
- 1992 Auxiliary verbs and grammaticalization, Invited lecture, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
- 1992 Spatial terms and grammaticalizatio, Invited lecture, Aarhus University, Denmark
- 1992 A cognitive approach toward grammaticalized verb constructions, 15th International Congress of Linguists, Quebec, Canada
- 1992 On metaphor and grammaticalization, 1992 Annual Conference of the Linguistic Society of Belgium The Relationship between Linguistic and Conceptual Representation, Antwerp, Belgium
- 1993 Space terms: A cognitive analysis, 15te Jahrestagung 1993 der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft, Jena, Germany
- 1993 Cognitive semantics and motivation vs. arbitrariness in language change, Invited lecture, Roskilde University, Denmark
- 1993 Accessing semantic information in memory: evidence for a non-modular mental lexicon from the English verb ‘get’, 18th International L.A.U.D. Symposium on The Lexicon, Duisburg, Germany (jointly with Monika Schwarz)
- 1993 Body part terms and semelfactive expressions in Bulgarian, Workshop “From Body to Emotion and Cognition”, University of Cologne, Germany
- 1993 Spatial prepositions: Distribution and integrity of meaning, 3rd International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Leuven, Belgium (jointly with Chris Sinha)
- 1994 Distributionalizing of meaning: Space terms, 19th International L.A.U.D. Symposium on Language and space, Duisburg, Germany
- 1994 Auxiliation and conceptual constraints, Workshop on Language and Thought, FISI, University of Buffalo, Buffalo, New York, USA
- 1995 The proximative, 4th International Conference of Cognitive Linguistics (jointly with Bernd Heine), Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
- 1995 On indefinite articles, Invited lecture, International Conference on Functional Approaches to Grammar (jointly with Bernd Heine, Ulrike Claudi, Christa Kilian-Hatz and Mathias Schladt), Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
- 1996 On an evasive gram, International Conference on Linguistic Typology, Prague, The Czech Republic
- 1996 Large linguistic areas and European TAM-auxiliation, 7th International Conference on Functional Grammar, Cordoba, Spain (joitly with Bernd Heine)
- 1997 ‘Action narrowly averted’: A grammatical category or not?, 16th International Congress of Linguists, Paris, France
- 1997 Grammaticalization in pragmatic discourse, 13th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Duesseldorf, Germany
- 1998 Sit/stand/lie - auxiliation: North Germanic Languages, Fourth Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA
- 1998 Auxiliation in large linguistic areas, Invited Lecture at The University of Texas at San Antonio, Texas, USA
- 1998 Convergence and divergence in the development of African Languages: Some general observations, Invited Lecture at the International Workshop ‘The connection between areal diffusion and the genetic model of language relationship’ (jointly with Bernd Heine), Canberra, Australia.
- 1998 SIT/STAND/LIE - auxiliation in the languages of the world, Invited Lecture at the Linguistics Club Colloquium, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA.
- 1998 Languages as biological organisms: a grammaticalization perspective, Invited Lecture at the International Workshop ‘Language and Genes’ SONY Computer Science Laboratory, Paris, France, November 1998.
- 1998 Areal Typology and Grammaticalization: Europe vs. Africa, Invited lecture at the University of Bonn, Germany.
- 1999 TAM-auxiliation in Northeast Europe, Invited Lecture at the International Conference on Areal Grammaticalization and Cognitive Semantics: the Finnic and Sami languages Sorbonne, Paris, France, April 1999.
- 1999 On the ‘adaptation’ metaphor in linguistics: areal grammaticalization. Paper presented at the 44th annual conference of the International Linguistics Association, New York, USA, April 1999.
- 1999 Grammatikalisierungsareale in Afrika und darüber hinaus, Invited Lecture (jointly with Bernd Heine). Linguistisches Kolloquium Areallinguistik/Arealtypololgie, Universität Bremen, June 1999.
- 2001 Typology of relative clause formation in African languages, Invited Lecture (jointly with Bernard Comrie) at the International Symposium: Typology of African Languages, May 21-24, St. Augustin, Germany.
- 2002 On relativization strategies. Invited Lecture (jointly with Bernard Comrie). Institute for General Linguistics, University of Bonn. February 2002, Bonn.
- 2002 ‘Adaptive’ explanations and the evolution of linguistic structure (jointly with Bernard Comrie). International Conference on the Evolution of Language, Harvard University, Cambridge, March 2002.
- 2002 Language contact and grammaticalization, Invited Lecture at the International Colloquium on Language Contact: Global and Local Perspectives, University of Texas, San Antonio, USA, April 2002.
- 2002 Contact-induced grammaticalization, Invited Lecture at the Linguistic Circle of the University of Texas at Austin, April 2002.
- 2003 Phonological accretion and contact-induced grammaticalization, Invited lecture at the International Symposium on Grammaticalization. FU Berlin, Berlin, 27-29 Nov. 2003.
- 2004 The evolution of language and elaborateness of grammar: the case of relative clauses in creole languages. (jointly with Bernard Comrie). Evolang V conference on evolution of language, Leipzig, 31st March – 2nd April 2004.
- 2004 Contact-induced syntactic change (jointly with Bernd Heine). Interdepartmental Seminar on Language Contact, University of Manchester, 12th October.
- 2004 The proximative and the avertive. Planning Session for the Research Project ‘Restricted linguistic systems as windows on language genesis’, The Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study, Wassenaar, The Netherlands, 1st November 2004.
- 2004 Early historical systems: pidginization (jointly with Bernd Heine). Workshop ‘Restricted linguistic systems’, The Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study, Wassenaar, The Netherlands, 2nd November 2004.
- 2005 Analogy and language change (jointly with John Haiman). Invited lecture at the Max-Planck-Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany, January 2005.
- 2005 The ‘exception’ on one analysis, the ‘rule’ on another (jointly with Bernd Heine). Annual Conference of DGfS, Cologne, February 2005
- 2005 The explanatory value of grammaticalization (jointly with Bernd Heine). Invited Lecture at the Max-Planck-Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany, March 2005.
- 2005 The ‘frills’ of grammaticalization. Invited Lecture at the 3rd International Conference Reflections on grammaticalization, July, 2005, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
- 2006 Grammaticalization as a window on language genesis. Fellows´ Seminar at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies, Wassenaar, February 2006, TheNetherlands.
- 2006 On reconstructing the evolution of grammar (jointly with Bernd Heine and Christa König). International Symposium on Restricted linguistic systems as windows on language genesis, May 19-20, The Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies (NIAS), Wassenaar, The Netherlands.
- 2007 Elaborateness of marking and contact-induced grammaticalization, Invited Lecture at The Federal Fluminense University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 26th March.
- 2007 Auxiliation, Invited lecture at The Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 27th March, 2007.
- 2007 Diagnostics for language contact, Invited lecture (jointly with Bernd Heine) at the International Symposium Language Contact and the Dynamics of Language: Theory and Implications, Max-Planck-Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, May 2007.
- 2007 Towards linguistic unity in Europe, Invited lecture (jointly with Bernd Heine) at the International Conference on Eurolinguistics, University of Leipzig, October 2007.
- 2008 Grammaticalization and morphosyntactic complexity, Invited lecture at the International Conference on Integrative Models of Language Change, Santa Fe Institute for Advanced Research, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, February 2008.
- 2008 Integrative model of grammaticalization, Invited lecture at the International Conference Levels of Analysis in the History of Indo-European Languages, Trieste, May 2008.
- 2008 Complexity and relative clauses in creoles. Invited lecture (jointly with Bernard Comrie) at the International Workshop on Complexity and Language, Hermosillo, Mexico, November 2008.
- 2009 Semantically complex grammatical categories: implications for linguistic categorization, Invited lecture at the International Symposium Linguistic Categorization and Fuzzy Grammar, University of Tromsoe, Norway, April 2009.
- 2009 Grammaticalization and the evolution of grammar. Invited Lecture at the 1st International Summer School of the Evolutionary Linguistics Association, Cortona, Italy, August-September 2009.
- 2009 Elaborateness in grammar. Invited lecture at the 2nd International Conference Language Documentation and Linguistic Theory, November 2009. SOAS, London.
- 2009 On cultural-linguistic correlations: A case study. Invited lecture at University College London, 28th October 2009.
- 2010 On the semantics of grammatical categories. Invited lecture at the Linguistics Circle Seminar of the University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, 25th February 2010.
- 2010 Areal grammaticalization: an example from Europe. Invited lecture at the Linguistics Research Colloquium, University of Bochum, July 2010.
- 2010 The magic of the ´magic´ word in Bulgarian: between lexicalization and grammaticalization (jointly with Markus Krabbe). Invited lecture at the 43rd Annual Meeting of Societas Linguistica Europaea, Vilnius, Lithuania, September 2010.
- 2010 Subject relative clauses in creoles and the evolution of grammar (jointly with Bernard Comrie). Invited lecture at the APiCS conference, Max-Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, November 2010.
- 2011 On grammatical categories and linguistic categorization (jointly with Mehrdad Naghzguye Kohan). Invited Lecture at the Summer School on Iranian Linguistics, University of Hamburg, August-September 2011.
- 2011 On the biography of grammatical categories, Invited Lecture at the 2nd International Conference on Grammar and Text (GRATO), Universidade Nova de Lisboa (CLUNL), Lisbon, September 2011.
- 2011 Elaborateness and relativization: Creoles and the study of language evolution (jointly with Bernard Comrie). Invited talk at the Linguistics Departmental Seminar, SOAS, University of London, October 2011.
- 2012 Research culture in linguistics: comparison between UK and Germany. Invited Lecture at the Discussion Meeting International Mobility and Research Careers – A Shared Perspective, jointly organized by the Royal Society of UK and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, London, UK, January 2012.
- 2012 Grammaticalization and typology. Colloquium on Typology and Language Documentation at SOAS, University of London, London, March, 2012.
- 2012 On the cyclic nature of grammaticalization, Invited Lecture at the 1st World Congress of Scholars of English Linguistics (WCSEL-1), Seoul, Korea, June 2012).
- 2012 Modeling grammaticalization, Invited Lecture at the Hankuk University for Foreign Studies, Seoul, Korea, June 2012.
- 2012 The avertive as a semantically elaborate category, Invited Lecture at the Workshop Avertive and Proximative, University of Cologne, Cologne, July 2012.
- 2013 Thetical grammar vs. sentence grammar, Invited talk at the Research Seminar of the Department of Language and Linguistic Science, York University, February 2013.
- 2013 Language fossils and grammaticalization, Invited talk at the Bristol Centre for Linguistics seminar series, University of West England, Bristol, March 2013.
- 2013 Reconstructing elements of early language (jointly with Bernd Heine and Gunther Kaltenböck), Invited talk at the Research Colloquium of the Surrey Morphology Group, University of Surrey, March 2013.
- 2013 Grammaticalization in thetical grammar, Invited talk at the Research Seminar of the English Department of University College of London, University of London, March 2013.
- 2013 Sentence-final what in Singapore English, Invited Lecture at Institut du Monde Anglophone, Université Sorbonne-Nouvelle Paris 3, Paris, France, May 2013.
- 2014 Darwinian evolution and language, Invited panelist at the International Symposium on Darwin and Evolution at the International Symposium “Evolution, Emotion and Language”, IIT New Delhi, India, February 2014.
- 2014 Linguistic categorization: A case study, Invited talk at the Linguistics Seminar of SOAS, University of London, London, May 2014.
- 2015 On five counter-to-fact grammatical categories, International conference “Linguistic diversity”, Leipzig, May 2015.
- 2015 On counterfactual TAM categories. Invited Lecture at the international workshop on “Counterfactuality”, Radboud University, Nijmegen, July 2015.
- 2015 The neurobiology of Discourse Grammar. Invited talk (jointly with Bernd Heine and Gunther Kaltenböck) at the Research Seminar on Linguistic Diversity at Max Planck Institute, Nijmegen and Radboud University, Nijmegen, September 2015.
- 2015 On Singlish sentence-final what. Invited Lecture (jointly with Seongha Rhee, Debra Ziegeler and Jessica Sabban) at the international workshop “Negation, Singlish and negation in Singlish, Paris, September 2015.
- 2015 Insubordination and incoordination: Pre-requisites for grammaticalization of connectives. Invited Lecture (jointly with Bernd Heine, Marine Vuillermet and Domenico Niclot) at the workshop on “Grammaticalization", Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, September 2015.
- 2016 On an emotive particle in Singlish (jointly with Seongha Rhee, Debra Ziegeler and Jessica Sabban). Invited talk at the Linguistics Seminar of SOAS, University of London, London, February 2016.
- 2016 Grammaticalization patterns across languages. International Networking Meeting Between the AvHumboldt Foundation and the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, March 2016.
- 2016 The Comprehensive Model of Contact-Induced Language Transfer. Invited Lecture, International Workshop “Language contact, continuity and change in the emergence of Modern Hebrew”, Jerusalem, July 2016.
- 2017 Grammaticalization as explanation. Invited Lecture, Sun-Jat Sen University, Guangzhou, China, April 2017.
- 2017 Linguistic categorization. Invited Lecture, Sun-Jat Sen University, Guangzhou, China, April 2017.
- 2017 Genesis and development of grammar. Invited Lecture, Three Gorges University, Yichang, China, April 2017.
- 2017 Incoordination. Invited Lecture, Three Gorges University, Yichang, China, April 2017.
- 2017 What is the ´exception´ on one analysis can be the ´rule´on another. Invited Lecture, Capital Normal University, Beijing, China, April 2017.
- 2017 Evolution of grammar. Invited Lecture, Capital Normal University, Beijing, China, April 2017.
- 2017 Semantically elaborate grammatical categories. Invited Lecture, Capital Normal University, Beijing, China, April 2017.
- 2017 The “mirror” of insubordination. Invited talk, Departmental Seminar, Linguistics, SOAS, University f London, June 2017
- 2017 The grammar of non-realization. Invited Lecture, Centre for Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, September 2017.
- 2017 Reconstructing grammar: An interdisciplinary approach. Invited Lecture, Complexity Institute, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, October 2017.
- 2017 Semantic elaborateness and grammaticalization. Invited Lecture, International Workshop on Language Contact and the Languages of Asia, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, October 2017.