Selected publications
1990 The semantics of syntactic change. Stylistic, natural, and varietal factors in the development of English "do": a case study. Series Trends in Linguistics. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Series Trends in Linguistics.
1992 Co-operating with texts: the pragmatics and comprehension of written discourse. (ed.) Selected papers from the conference on the pragmatics and comprehension of written discourse, Gießen, Schlosspark Rauischholzhausen, September 1989. Mouton de Gruyter, Series Studies in Anthropological Linguistics.
1992 Internal and external factors in syntactic change. Papers from the workshop on internal and external factors in syntactic change, International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA, August 1989, (ed., with M. Gerritsen) Berlin. Mouton de Gruyter, Series Trends in Linguistics.
1994 Towards a Standard English 1600-1800. (ed., with Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade) Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter., Leiden. Series English Linguistics.
1995 Subjectivity and Subjectivisation. Linguistic perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (ed. with Susan Wright).
1997 Taming the vernacular. From dialect to written standard language. (ed., with Jennifer Cheshire) London: Longman.
1998 Historical Linguistics 1997. (ed., with Monika Schmid and Jennifer Austin). Akten der 13. International Conference on Historical Linguistics. Düsseldorf. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
2008 Law and language: theory and society. With Frances Olsen (UCLA) and R. Alexander Lorz (Düsseldorf). Düsseldorf: Düsseldorf University Press.
2009 Translation Issues in Law. With Frances Olsen (UCLA) and R. Alexander Lorz (Düsseldorf). London: Palgrave-Macmillan.
2009 Genres in the Internet. Ed. with J. Giltrow (Vancouver). Amsterdam: Benjamins.
2010 Towards Open Access Scholarship. Selected Papers from the Berlin 6 Conference. DUP Düsseldorf University Press. With C. Puschmann, Düsseldorf). PoD.
2011 Text and meaning. Literary and other discourse. Düsseldorf University Press. (ed. with Richard Begam, Madison).
2012 Pragmatics of Computer-Mediated Communication. Ed. with T. Virtanen (Äbo) and S. Herring (Bloomington). Handbuch Sprache und Kommunikation. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
2017 The Pragmatic Turn in Law. Inference and Interpretation in legal discourse. Ed. with Janet Giltrow (UBC Vancouver) Mouton, Series “Pragmatics”.
2022 Language as Evidence. Ed. with Guillen Nieto. SpringerLink. Palgrave: Macmillan.
2023 From fear to hate. Legal-linguistic perspectives on Migration. Ed. with Antonio Doval and Victoria Guillén Nieto. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
In Press: (2025): Romance Forensic Linguistics. Ed. with Victoria Guillèn Nieto. Berlin Mouton de Gruyter. Series manuals of Romance linguistics.
1979 „Linguistik und Übersetzen: Zum Problem des Lernziels in der Übersetzerausbildung" In: M. van de Velde and W. Vandeweghe (eds.) Sprachstruktur, Individuum und Gesellschaft, Akten des 13. Linguistischen Kolloquiums Gent, 1978. Band 1. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 359-368.
1985 "Perspectives on historical Pragmatics." Folia Linguistica Historica 6, 2: 347-355.
1985 "Discourse Markers in Early Modern English." In: R. Eaton et al. (eds.) Papers from the 4th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 283-302.
1986 "Old English Northumbrian Verb Inflection Revisited." In: D. Kastovsky and A. Szwedek (eds.) Linguistics across Historical and Geographical Boundaries. Vol.1: Linguistic Theory and Historical Linguistics. Berlin: Mouton. 637-650.
1987 "At the crossroads of philology, linguistics and semiotics: notes on the replacement of th by s in the third person singular in English." English Studies 68/5: 406-432.
1988 "Semantic similarity between categories as a vehicle of linguistic change." Diachronica V:1, 1-20.
1995 "Functional renewal in the history of English syntax" (with L. Brinton). In: H. Andersen (ed.) Historical Linguistics 1993. Proceedings of the International Conference on Historical Linguistics, UCLA Los Angeles, August 1993. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 33-47.
2004 "Internet Chat and Conversation: a case of transmedial stability?" Linguistics 42.5, 983-1021. with Michaela Zitzen.
2005 Distanz und Nähe in Internetkommunikation. Vorträge des Symposiums „Chat-Kommunikation in Beruf, Bildung und Medien: Konzepte-Werkzeuge-Anwendungsfelder". Universität Dortmund 8.-10. Mai 2003. Ed. A. Storrer and M. Beißwenger. Stuttgart: Ibidem. 339-347.
2017 „Sprachwissenschaftliche Aspekte rechtstheoretischer Ansätze im Überblick“ (Survey of language-related issues in the theory of law). In: Handbuch Sprache und Recht (Handbook Language and Law), eds. Prof. Ekkehard Felder (Law School University of Heidelberg) and Dr. Friedemann Vogel (Law School University of Freiburg), Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
2020 "Atomizing linguistic change. Linguistic change: a radical view." In: Historical Linguistics 2017. Ed. B. Drinka, Amsterdam: Benjamins, 321-343.
2020 "The role of linguistics in veracity evaluation." In: International Journal of Law and Language 9,.23-47. with Martina Nicklaus.
2023 "Emotion, language and law." with V. Guillèn Nieto and Antonio Doval Pais. In: Victoria Guillèn Nieto et al. (eds.) 1 – 22.
2023 "The Internet as a game changer in legal communication: Arbitration on the move." In: Anesa, Patrizia and Jan Engberg: The Digital (R)Evolution of Legal Discourse. New Genres, Media, and Linguistic Practices. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 85-95.
2024 "On Genre as the Primary Unit of Language (Not Only) in Law." Languages 9:333. 1-23. MDPI.