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  • Sven Kotowski & Ingo Plag (eds.). 2022. The semantics of derivational morphology: Theory, methods, evidence. Berlin: de Gruyter. (in prep.)

  • Kotowski, Sven. 2016. Adjectival modification and order restrictions. The influence of temporariness on prenominal word order (=Studia Grammatica 80). Berlin: de Gruyter.


  • Kotowski, Sven & Holden Härtl (2019) How real are adjective order constraints? Multiple prenominal adjectives at the grammatical interfaces. In Special Issue: Adjective order through a Germanic lens, Guest Editors (=Linguistics 57.2), Andreas Trotzke & Eva Wittenberg (eds.), 395-427.
  • Günther, Christine, Sven Kotowski & Ingo Plag. 2018. Phrasal compounds can have adjectival heads: Evidence from English. English Language and Linguistics. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1360674318000229
  • Kotowski, Sven; Katja Böer and Holden Härtl (2014). Compounds vs. phrases: The cognitive status of morphological products. In Morphology and meaning. Selected papers from the 15th International Morphology Meeting (=Current Issues in Linguistic Theory), Franz Rainer, Wolfgang Dressler, Francesco Gardani & Hans-Christian Luschützky (eds.). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 191-204.
  • Böer, Katja; Sven Kotowski & Holden Härtl (2012). Nominal composition and the demarcation between morphology and syntax: grammatical, variational, and cognitive Factors. In Anglistentag 2011—Proceedings, Monika Fludernik & Bernd Kohlmann (eds.). Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 63-74.
  • Kotowski, Sven & Holden Härtl (2011). Recursion and the language faculty. On the evolution of the concept in generative grammar. In NLK-Proceedings: 12. Norddeutsches Linguistisches Kolloquium (NLK2011 Braunschweig), Said Sahel & Ralf Vogel (eds.). Bielefeld: Bielefeld eCollections, 24-47.
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